Everything about the living allowance for Ukrainian refugees

You are entitled to a living allowance. Find out more on this page about how to apply, where and how to share any changes, for example if you return to work.

Conditions for receiving a living allowance:

  • You fled the war in Ukraine.
  • You are sheltered in the home of a private citizen or in a municipal shelter in the municipality of Purmerend.
  • You fall under the Temporary Protection Directive (RTB).
  • You and your partner (should you have one) do not have paid work and do not receive any Dutch benefits.
  • You are registered in the BRP database of the municipality of Purmerend. Are you unable to register? Please send an email to: bsvz@purmerend.nl.

Apply for a living allowance

If you want to apply for a living allowance, you can come to our consultation hours if you:

  • do not have an income from work;
  • you are already receiving or have applied for a living allowance and you have questions, for example about going back to Ukraine or temporarily leaving the shelter;
  • you want to increase your options when it comes to work.

Walk-in consultation hours at city hall and contact

  • Monday through Thursday from 9:00 to 15:00
  • Friday, 9:00 to 13:00
  • Contact via leefgeld@purmerend.nl
  • Call +(0)299 452 452, and you will be put through to the person who has a consultation hour at that time.

What is the amount of the living allowance?

The table below includes the amounts for a clothing allowance, food allowance and any extras. The amounts depend on the age of the applicant and the size of the family. Amounts apply per person per month.

Ages and size of the familyClothing allowanceFood allowanceExtra amount
All ages, no family€ 60,71€ 242,48€ 80,91
18+, family of two€ 60,71€ 242,48€ 80,91
18+, family of three€ 60,71€ 193,98€ 80,91
18+, family of four or more€ 60,71€ 169,74€ 80,91
18-, family of two€ 60,71€ 200,65€ 80,91
18-, family of three€ 60,71€ 160,64€ 80,91
18-, family of four or more€ 60,71€ 140,34€ 80,91

Adults and children receive a living allowance every month. This consists of:

  • Clothing allowance: this is money for clothing and personal expenses.
  • Food allowance: this is money for meals. You will only receive a food allowance if the municipal shelter does not provide food for you.
  • Extra amount: money to be used for public transport, family visits or sports, for example. You will only receive this extra amount if you are living with a host family. This amount is also referred to as ‘housing component’. You can also use the extra amount to contribute to your host family’s expenses. But this is not mandatory.

You and your family members need to bring the following:

  • A valid ID document or a certified copy of your municipal personal records database registration. This document also includes your BSN citizen service number.
  • A valid Dutch bank card.
  • Need help finding work? Then it would be helpful to bring your CV.

You do not need an appointment; simply apply during the walk-in consultation hours. Report to the reception, stating that you wish to apply for a living allowance. You will then be asked to wait for one of our consultants.

Are you a displaced person from Ukraine? And are you receiving a living allowance, or have you applied for a living allowance? If there are any changes to your personal circumstances then let us know via leefgeld@purmerend.nl.

We follow the national rules for shelter and living allowance. For more information, go to the website of the Government of the Netherlands:

Do you have any questions about the living allowance? Send an email to leefgeld@oekraine.nl or make an appointment via oekraine@purmerend.nl.