Information points and medical care for Ukrainian refugees

The Dutch Council for Refugees, Clup Welzijn and the municipality of Purmerend have various information points for Ukrainians. You can also find important addresses there for emergencies and medical care.

The Dutch Council for Refugees

The Dutch Council for Refugees has the following consultation hours, also for displaced persons in private shelters:

  • Mondays from 16.00 to 18.00, at the shelter in Middenbeemster.
  • Tuesdays from 17.00 to 19.00, at the Burggolf shelter.
  • Second Tuesday of the month from 14.30 to 16.30, at the Van IJsendijkstraat shelter.

For more information, send an email to the person of contact, Elena Bosdijk via Or go to the website of the Dutch Council for Refugees.

Clup Welzijn

  • Clup Welzijn does not have consultation hours.
  • Contact via the Clup Welzijn website.
  • The social workers will make an appointment to come to you. You can apply for this yourself or ask the residential counsellors at the shelter to make an appointment for you.

Emergencies and safety

  • A fire, an accident or a crime? Call 112.
  • Police emergency control room: Call 0900 88 44

Are you experiencing an unwanted or unsafe situation in your private household shelter or municipal shelter?

  • Call or email your contact at the Dutch Council for Refugees or Clup Welzijn.
  • If you are experiencing domestic violence, contact Veilig Thuis via their website.
  • Displaced persons are at risk of becoming victims of human trafficking and exploitation. Go to the Comensha website for more information.

Health and medical care

  • As a Ukrainian displaced person, you are entitled to basic care. You do not have to pay a contribution. In some cases, you may have to pay for your medication.
  • Register with Arene, the digital general practitioner’s, as soon as possible, even when you are waiting (for up to two weeks) for your appointment to register with the municipality for your BSN Citizen Service Number.

Emergency care/hospital

If there’s a life-threatening situation, Call 112. Or go to the Dijklander hospital at Waterlandlaan 250, Purmerend. Telephone number: +31 (0)299 457 457.

  • All Ukrainian refugees registered in our municipality who have medical issues, can contact digital GP Arene.
  • Register via the Arene website.
  • You can then use the Arene app to make an appointment.
  • If it is determined during the digital consultation that a physical exam is necessary then Arene will arrange for a local GP to contact the patient. Medication is provided by the Dijklanderziekenhuis, Waterlandlaan 250, Purmerend, telephone number 0299 457 457.

Ukrainian refugees who will be working in the Netherlands do not need to take out healthcare insurance. Go to the website for more information about healthcare insurance and healthcare in the Netherlands. The information is available in Dutch, English and Ukrainian.

In cases where displaced persons experience severe dental pain, they are entitled to emergency dental care. You can contact the closest dental practice yourself. If you are unable to make an appointment, contact the Royal Dutch Dental Association, KNMT:
• on telephone number 030 607 6380 (from Monday to Friday from 08.30 and 17.00)
• or by sending an email to They will then find a dentist for you.
Displaced persons who are working and take out a mandatory healthcare insurance can also take out additional dental insurance.

On the website of the GGD municipal health department you can read all about the type of assistance offered by the GGD and you can find answers to questions about healthcare for displaced Ukrainians in our region.

Are you staying in a private shelter? Find a GP near you via the website of Zorgkaart Nederland and call them. Also watch the video on how GP care works in the Netherlands.

Are you staying at a municipal shelter? Please contact digital GP Arene or register directly.

Are you feeling sad, scared or anxious? Are you having trouble sleeping? Or are you reliving a horrible event? For help, go to one of the following websites:

or go to a GP.

  • Are you staying in a private shelter? Find a pharmacy near you via the website of Zorgkaart Nederland.
  • Is the pharmacy closed? Go to the 24/7 on-duty pharmacy in Purmerend.
  • Also watch the video on how medication usage works in the Netherlands.
  • Are you staying at a municipal shelter and do you have a GP via Arene? Then they will tell you which pharmacy you can go to.

As a Ukrainian, you can also get your free COVID vaccination at a GGD facility:
• Read more about vaccinations.
• Get your COVID vaccination: schedule an appointment via the website