I am an Unkrainian refugee

This page contains more information about shelters in the municipality of Purmerend, work, living allowance, education, information points and healthcare (including addresses).

What is your situation?

I am coming from an emergency shelter

After registration at a national registration centre, more long term shelter is sought somewhere in the Netherlands. This may take some time.

I live with a host family, but I cannot stay there

Is your time with your host family coming to an end? Send an email to oekraine@purmerend.nl. We will then see if we can find another shelter for you. This may be outside your current region. You will receive only one offer. If you do not want to go there, you will have to find and pay for your own place to stay.

I want to move to the municipal shelter in Purmerend

If you are already temporarily living in Purmerend, for example with a host family, at a private shelter or other type of private housing, and you wish to move to the municipal shelter for Ukrainian displaced persons, then you may submit an application for this. You will be eligible for a place if you have been registered in the Purmerend municipal personal records database (BRP) for at least three months. Send your application for a place at a municipal shelter to oekraine@purmerend.nl.

Register with the municipality

If you are temporarily living in or moving to our municipality then you will need to register. You can arrange for this yourself or with the help of a shelter employee. If you want to make an appointment with the department of civil affairs, call +31 (0)299 452 452 or send an email to bsvz@purmerend.nl.

Moving out

When you move out, please do not forget to deregister from the address. Send an email to bsvz@purmerend.nl or DigitaalLoketBurgerzaken@purmerend.nl.

Other important matters include:

For refugees from Ukraine, the European Union has implemented the Temporary Protection Directive. To prove that you fall under this directive, you need to have an address and register with the municipal personal records database (BRP). After that you will undergo a simple IND process, in which refugees sign their asylum application and receive proof that they are able to stay and work here. This proof comes in the form of an O document.

As a Ukrainian displaced person, you need proof of residency so you:

  • can prove that you may live and work in the Netherlands.
  • can travel abroad (this includes travel to Ukraine). Please note! This document is not recognised everywhere. Read more about its validity on the website of the IND.

For important information for displaced persons travelling from Ukraine and Russia to the Netherlands with their pets, click on the website of the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority.

As a Ukrainian displaced person you can travel to Ukraine or other EU countries from the Netherlands using a valid travel document. You may temporarily leave the Netherlands, for an important family visit for example. If you inform the municipality of your temporary trip in advance then you will not face any consequences in regards to your shelter or living allowance in the Netherlands.

The shelter has the right to assign your shelter place to another displaced person if you leave for more than 14 days. If you return to the Netherlands at a later date then you may be assigned another shelter. The municipality has the right to terminate the entitlement to a living allowance for displaced persons from Ukraine who leave the country for more than 28 days. The municipality can terminate these provisions effective immediately if a person leaves unannounced.

Are you planning on staying somewhere else for a few nights? We would appreciate it if you informed the shelter employees in a timely fashion.

For safety reasons, you may only receive visitors with permission from the location manager. Your visitor may not stay the night. The living space at the shelter location is only intended for people placed there by the municipality. Violating this rule can have serious consequences for your right to shelter.